
Post date: Jun 8 2015 - 12:46pm

I have neglected this blog over the past few months as I focus on finishing and then making revisions to manuscript for my book Listen to Your Heart. We are currently in the final copy editing phase! I was also preparing a workshop which I presented at the Association...Read more

Logosynthesis: Energy Healing with Words

Post date: Jan 18 2015 - 3:42pm

A high school student comes into my office. He has been troubled since his best friend committed suicide a few weeks ago. He feels guilty, depressed, unable to focus at school and exhibiting outbursts of anger. In our second meeting, I guide him in repeating a few simple sentences, making...Read more

Psychology and Psychotherapy

Post date: Dec 28 2014 - 5:22pm

As a psychotherapist, a psychologist in private practice, I find that although we seem to live in a "psychologically-minded" society, there continues to exist a great deal of confusion about psychology and psychotherapy. This sometimes inhibits people from seeking out help that could result in...Read more


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